Floating with Confidence (Digital Download)


by Sandi Simons

Floating issues are certainly something we have all encountered at some stage. Sandi has designed a “Ladies Approach” that is easy to apply and understand. Making float loading issues a thing of the past…

A must for all horse owners.



Floating with Confidence is designed to help you overcome the trials and tribulations of transporting horses. In particular it aims to help educate first time horse owners or those experiencing loading or traveling issues.

For many horses and riders Floating can be a daunting task and become very dangerous very quickly. In this video Sandi covers her tips and tools for keeping you and your horse calm, obedient and listening whilst loading and unloading.

Contents: >

• Float safety checks
• How to load safely
• What to do if your horse refuses to load
• Issues with float boots, feeding, rugging etc whilst travelling
• How to calm the horse down for loading
• How long to travel for